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  • Event Date: 02-May-2024
  • Total Photo(s): 4
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Description: DATE: 2ND May 2024 EVENT: Vocational Activities THEME/ TOPIC: Vocational Activities CLASS: 3, 4 and 5 LEARNING OUTCOME: Students will be able to develop practical skills through hands-on training and experiential learning in gardening, Art &craft,food & nutrition. BREIF DESCRIPTION: The students of class 3 were instructed on the process of ‘Seed Germination’. The children demonstrated their ability to explain the stages involved in plant growth and the various factors that influence plant development. The students of class 4 learnt how to prepare a delicious and nutritious dish called the ‘Foxtail Salad’. This activity not only enhanced the students’ culinary skills but also promoted healthy eating habits. The students of class 5 participated in a project to create a “Twine Rope Coaster”, which allowed them to enhance their creativity. FACILITATED BY: Class teachers of classes 3, 4 and 5
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